all postcodes in ST16 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST16 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST16 9GY 1 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9XJ 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9WT 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9ZZ 0 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9XW 0 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9DQ 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9PG 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9YU 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9ZB 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9ZR 0 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9AS 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9WW 1 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9WN 1 1 52.80306 -2.123012
ST16 9ZT 1 52.805028 -2.11477
ST16 9ZQ 1 52.805028 -2.11477
ST16 9SA 2 2 52.805044 -2.114767
ST16 9SB 1 1 52.805028 -2.11477
ST16 9SD 1 1 52.805028 -2.11477
ST16 9SE 1 1 52.805028 -2.11477
ST16 9SF 1 1 52.805028 -2.11477